(717) 432-9969 | Monday - Friday, 7:00am - 3:30pm


Category: Uncategorized

Trash Collection

Trash Collection Penn Waste, Inc of York, Pennsylvania is the Borough’s trash collection agent. There is a two-tier collection system, either as a quarterly billing customer or a per-bag customer. Effective January 1, 2025, the price for customers will be $94.95/quarter and $10.00/bag (minimum of 26 bags per year required). Each household customer can change […]

How to Contact the Police

While the Police Department is staffed around the clock, Police Headquarters is not. If you need to report a crime or see an Officer immediately, you should contact York County Control by dialing 911. If you need to contact the Police for a non-emergency matter you can call 717-854-5571. The telephone number for headquarters (717-432-3317) […]

A Brief History Of Dillsburg

Nestled in the foothills of the beautiful and historic Blue Ridge Mountains with South Mountain in its backyard, Dillsburg has been and is a good place to call “home”. At one time the settlement was known as Monaghan Settlement, at other times it was Dill’s or Dills, Dillstown and even Dillston. Then, at its incorporation […]