(717) 432-9969 | Monday - Friday, 7:00am - 3:30pm



Common Ordinances

Pet Owner Responsibilities

The Borough has received several complaints about pets running loose or making noise. Please be courteous to your neighbors and take noisy pets indoor. All dogs and cats must be under the control of their owner at all times. All dogs must be licensed yearly. You can get a license at the York County Treasurer’s office or online at www.york-county.org/departments/treasurers/dog_licenses.htm. It is unlawful for any person owning or having custody of an animal to permit that animal to defecate upon any public or private property, other than that of the owner or custodian. If an animal does defecate on public or private property, the owner or custodian must dispose of any feces in a non-leaking container for deposit in a trash container.

Property Nuisances

Dillsburg Borough has both property and zoning ordinances that involve property nuisances. Grass, weeds, trees, bushes and other vegetation should be cut or trimmed to prevent overhanging, unsafe conditions and unsightly and/or obnoxious areas. There should not be an accumulation of rubbish, building materials, junk, etc. on your property that could be considered a safety or fire hazard and/or harborage for snakes, rodents or other vermin. All vehicles, whether on the street or on your property, must be registered, licensed and inspected. Ice and snow must be removed from sidewalks within 24 hours after the same has ceased to fall.

Building Permits

A building permit is needed before any new construction is started in the Borough. Permits are also needed for many remodeling, refurbishing and repairing projects. Please check with the Borough Office to see if a building permit is required.


The Borough has a curfew ordinance in effect which regulates the times that young people can lawfully be in or upon the streets of the Borough during evening hours It is unlawful for any minor to remain in or upon a public place between 11:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M.. There are some exceptions. A copy of the ordinance can be obtained at the Borough Office.


In 2003, Council enacted an Ordinance relating to Snow Emergency Routes. The routes have had signs posted on them and if a snow emergency is declared within the Borough the announcement will be made over local radio and news stations. While a snow emergency is in effect ALL parked vehicles MUST be removed from those streets. Failure to do so will result in fines. This will allow the crew clearing the street to be able to maneuver better and hopefully keep the streets passable for emergency traffic. The streets designated as snow emergency routs within the Borough are as follows:

Baltimore Street – All
York Street – All
Harrisburg Street – All
Harrisburg Pike – All
2nd Street – From Harrisburg St. to Gettysburg St.

Also, as a reminder: ALL SIDEWALKS MUST BE CLEARED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE PRECIPITATION STOPPING. Failure to clear sidewalks WILL result in fines being issued to the property owners.