(717) 432-9969 | Monday - Friday, 7:00am - 3:30pm


How to Contact the Police

While the Police Department is staffed around the clock, Police Headquarters is not. If you need to report a crime or see an Officer immediately, you should contact York County Control by dialing 911. If you need to contact the Police for a non-emergency matter you can call 717-854-5571. The telephone number for headquarters (717-432-3317) is administrative in nature and is frequently answered by a machine that will allow you to leave a message. Believe it or not, some folks have actually left messages to report traffic accidents or other emergencies. REMEMBER DIAL 911.

Carroll Township Police Information

When informed, Carroll Township Police Department makes every effort to check homes that are vacant during the vacation months as calls for service allow. Also, completed emergency notification records are kept at the 911 center, which allow officers to contact business owners in the event of an emergency or security issue at their place of business.

The Carroll Township Police Department has numerous information forms available to both residents and businesses. These forms should be completed and returned to the Department. These completed forms will enable the department to better serve the community. Vacation House Check and Residential Alarm System Data forms are available for Residents. Business Emergency Notification Data and Business Alarm System Data forms are available for businesses. These forms can be picked up at the Borough office or the Police Department, which is located at: 555 Chestnut Grove Road in Dillsburg. The forms can also be downloaded from the Carroll Township web-site, www.carrolltownship.com. Once on the site, use the “Applications & Forms” link under the Customer Service tab and choose the form desired.